No Baby Unhugged
Since becoming a mom, there is nothing more important to me than spending quality time with my baby. I juggle being a full time mama and a full time blogger – so I will take every free moment I get to soak up cuddles, hugs and kisses with my sweet boy. With so much going on in my brain at all times (“don’t forget to email that brand back!” or “we’re almost out of diaper wipes” or “oops, I forgot to pump before his next meal!”), checking things off my to-do list so that I can be totally present with Jude is top priority these days.
There are plenty of stressors that pop up once you become a parent…financially you are taking care of another human in the house…and that little person needs a lot! Food, diapers, clothing, bath supplies, toys…it all adds up quick. Being able to maximize savings wherever possible and buy certain items in bulk has been a game changer since having Jude. Costco is without a doubt a favorite retailer now that we’re parents. We can buy our monthly (or yearly!) diaper supply in one visit – and save money while we’re at it! Huggies is our go-to diaper brand and I’m so excited to share that Costco will be offering $9 off Huggies Plus diapers for the month of September (through 9/29). It’s the perfect time to stock up on sizes 1-6 and stow them away until you need them. I didn’t think Jude would be a size 3 so soon, then all of a sudden, here we are! It’s awesome to be able to get ahead on diaper purchases and save money, too…that combo is definitely something to feel great about and it crosses diaper shopping off my list!
Nothing is more important than keeping my sweet boy happy and healthy – and having quality diapers on hand is key! Now that Jude is trying with all his might to crawl (…he hasn’t quite figured out that his arms can help haha, he basically frog kicks to get around these days), we are thankful for diapers that stay put! Huggies Plus are exclusively sold at Costco and provide extra absorbency and more diapers in each box – which means less trips to the store and more time loving on your sweet baby!
Diapers are an absolute necessity when it comes to babies – and lots of families lack the funds or resources to have a supply of their own. Huggies and Costco are partnering with local diaper banks in Texas to donate diapers to families in need for the month of September. How wonderful is that? My sister and I are volunteering at the Austin diaper bank in two weeks – and I am so happy to be able to give back in any little way I can, while also encouraging my readers to donate diapers or time, as well!
Moms have enough to worry about during our busy, non-stop days! If we can take just one thing off our plate, then it’s a very good day.
A big thank you to Huggies and Costco for sponsoring this post! All opinions are my own.